see post "why not to change patient ID of a dicom image". This is a fault in the data, not in conquest.
see post "why not to change patient ID of a dicom image". This is a fault in the data, not in conquest.
Thanks I was able to trace the problem with ID problem. looks like it was coming all the way from the ultrasound machine.
but recently I ran to another problem with web interface. I noticed when Patient ID quantity reaches certain number and if I search database by ID it will crash dgate.exe. I haven't had chance to figure out what is the quantity that crushes. maybe you have some solution for this? thanks
can you post more details? What ID it as, what db you are using and what operation was attempted. For the appchrash log to be useful I also need the exact version of conquest you are using as reported during startup.
I'm using version 1.4.17d, Database: SqLite, Win 7 Pro.
my tech's they create PatientID's individual for each patient in the ultrasound machine, only thing gets repeated in ID's is Dr name and or patient initials if we get same patient multiple times. for example it goes like that DrName.Date.PatientInitials.studyname
so when we search on web interface by ID and we usually search by just dr name, to filter studies by Dr, and lately I noticed few of dr's accumulated lots of studies and if I search by ID it will crush dgate.exe. let me know if you need any more details on this. thanks
back from vacation. The crash is in the web interface then? There may be a buffer overrun. How many studies are in there and what is the exact operation you are doing?
yes the crush happens when doing "List local studies Patient ID:" in web interface when searching by Patient ID field. as I mentioned in earlier post we use following ID structure to be able to filter by Dr name since we have multiple Dr offices. Id is created by tech following way DrNameDatePatInitials.StudyName for example: WAT080514ZH.ECHO so next time we need to look up all patients for Dr Watson we search WAT in "List local studies Patient ID:" and it will show what we are after till the number of patients for that Dr reached certain amount, after it goes over that amount of patients it will crush dgate.exe when doing search described earlier. we have total of over 21K studies on our Conquest Database, but they are all mix of multiple Dr's and I don't know what is the amount of studies that causes crush. let me know if you need more details on this be happy to help you fix this. thanks
parallel to dgate.exe crush I want to report another issue with MySQL database. few days ago I started to implement MySQL Database for one of our Backup Dicom server since performance is better on MYSQL. so I installed and running MySQL Database on my Win7 Pro Machine and I entered all login info in dicom.ini, when conquest starts it reports: "The server is not running properly: association rejected probable cause: database is not accessible" but when clicking "Verify database installation" it creates and drops test tables and ends tests successfully. also when doing Re-initialize database it finishes successfully too but nothing shows up in Browse database tab. very strange if it communicates with database than why it gives me that association rejected message? thanks
"The server is not running properly: association rejected probable cause: database is not accessible" happens if the database is slow and does not respond within a few seconds after starting. If the server works fine you can ignore this message.
For the crash I need to try to at our hospital. After the crash, is the server down or not. the crashing dgate can either be the web service or the dicom server.
after dgate.exe crashes server is working fine no problems I assume web server crushes since dicom server does continue to work properly.
so MySql might not be installed properly and that's why it responds slow? any tips what or where I should look to find what causes that? I'm using MySQL 5.6.20 fresh install on windows 7.
Hi Giozera.
I add by myself to the discussion.
About MySQL error I think Marcel was thinking a sort of "start-up" problem.
By booting Windows if Conquest dicom server starts BEFORE the MySQL service is started and initialized, you could obtain this error message. If you are using the Conquest GUI, try to flag "Keep Server Alive" showed in the CONFIGURATION TAB.
By setting this flag:
- If the database connection fail, It will retried after some seconds, and shuld work properly then.
- If the database connection continue to fail then you have some kind of problem (networks, sockets, ports, firewall, and finally database user account used (access permission and user type), and needs to be investigated.
About web crash Something I get the same error if the matching results list is too long (don't know exactly what is the limit but when around 1000 lines the web query crashes).
Best regards, DAvide.
Hello Davide
thanks for your suggestion I'll try and report back. but would that MySQL error also prevent seeing studies trough Browse Database tab? I added few studies for test. it adds successfully, but can't see it in Browse Database tab.
can you post your dicom.ini? The browser uses BrowseThroughDBF=1 and temorary dbase files are created in the data/dbase folder. If you create a server from scratch this should all be set automaticallly.
I resolved MySQL error by uninstalling and fresh installing both MySQL and conquest server and now issue is gone, strange thing is I did exactly the same first time too, I guess first time MySQL didn't install properly.
this is how my dicom.ini was and is configured both times:
would switching to MySQL resolve dgate.exe crush too? and will switching to MySQL will also benefit my servers speed? lately I noticed that server responded slower and slower every time database grew.
Hi Giozera.
For my installation site I used XAMPP as webserver and datadase server and all worked fine.
After some years I needed to change the server used for Conqest so I decided to rebuild It from the scratch to "upgrade" to 64 bit. This time I used WAMP because some components support 64 bit and I've got some start-up problems. XAMPP and WAMP are basically composed by the same software modules (MySQL and Apache), but theese distribution have differents default configuration, so I needed to "study" a little in order to use Conquest with WAMP. So in some cases is better to restart from the scratch as you have done !
By using MySQL as database Conquest is very fast than internal database server.
If you take a look at Conquest documentation you will find that internal database is useful for small installations, like Dicom Router / Gateway, test and very small archive storage (up to 100.000 images). If you plan to use Conquest for production server you need to use external database and MySQL is one of fastest and cheapest
In my installation site I'm using Conquest from 2009 and I stored about 20 millions of images (90% CT+MRI and 10% CR+XA) using Conquest with MySQL over a Intel i5 @ 3.2 GHz and Windows XP 32 bit ! Both Dicom query and Web query are processe in realtime and take the time for a click.
About web crashes, unfortunately I have the same problem. If the web query returns about 900 - 1000 data row or more the web dgate.exe crashes and I can't see anithing in my web browser. I think colud be a buffer overflow or something like this.
If you do the same query by using a DICOM client It works fine, so I suggest to use a dicom client like K-PACS or similar to achieve the result and bypass the problem.
I'm a conquest user just like you and then I could not obtain a complete view of the system.
Hi Davide
yes I sow that database comparing in conquest documentation that's why I went with MySQL setup. just wanted to know how fast and reliable was in real production world
I'll continue to implement MySQL to all my dicom servers and hope all of them will go smooth.
I thank you all for help in this new world of dicom server for me
I can reproduce the crash browsing a series with around 4000 images. I will look into it.
Thanks looking forward to see that crush fixed that would help big time.
Hello back to all.
Been a long time since I last came on this forum. Conquest was so stable that i never needed to modify it.
These deals i am putting my eyes back in optimizing my pacs and i began by updating conquest to the latest version.
I cannot find "dgate" file in the archive, so cannot run ./dgate -v -r.
Is it normal or should i use dgate.cpp or dgate.hpp ?
Thanks again
run different scripts like ./maklinux to compile it, see the linux manual.
Thanks a lot. I have effectively lost the use of unix since then.....
I'm sorry for this stupid question....
Now a new question I hope less stupid.
Can we try to make a tuto about connecting Osirix to Conquest because i find some dispersed infos but cannot succeed in retrieving images...?
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