DWV version 0.22 is still in beta and will not go out soon (give it one or two months), would it be possible to rename and update the file for v0.21?
I hope it is working fine, did you have time to test it?
DWV version 0.22 is still in beta and will not go out soon (give it one or two months), would it be possible to rename and update the file for v0.21?
I hope it is working fine, did you have time to test it?
I just updated the lua scripts (see commit 817a606). They go with the current beta (0.22.0-beta) and should also work with version 0.21.0 (you need to change the version in the lua). For now I just tested with Conquest 1.4.17 on Windows.
Hi, thanks for the update of the lua file, I'll integrate it to the dwv github repository.
The changes between versions are described on the release page: https://github.com/ivmartel/dwv/releases. The big changes (introduced at 0.15) is the support for multi-frame data, the usage of web workers and its internationalisation. This added some script/language file dependency that you added in the lua file. In 0.15 you could not set the file location, in 0.16 you can.
The release zip file contains the minified version of dwv and its dependencies. I would keep it where you unzipped it and reference its path in the lua file.
Hi Tomas,
I have to work on documentation... You can move through slices by using a mouse wheel scroll or a two fingers drag.
I need to work on user documentation! Once the slides are loaded, you can navigate them either with a mouse scroll or with a two fingers touch and slide.
Just to mention that I released version 0.4 of DWV with multi slice support. You can download the release from https://github.com/ivmartel/dw…load/v0.4.1/dwv-0.4.1.zip and the associated lua from https://github.com/ivmartel/dw…/v0.4.1/resources/dwv.lua.
As you figured out, only dwv version 0.3 will work for now with Conquest 1.4.17. I am working on allowing multi-slice directly in dwv, this will be availlable with the final v0.4.
To download v0.3, check this page: https://github.com/ivmartel/dwv/releases/tag/v0.3. You can download the full code or just browse it.
On the DWV side, I'm using XmlHttpRequest that supports Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in modern browsers (see http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/cors/).
Marcel, is CORS what is used in the PACS server? Or do your use another protocol?
Thanks for these fixes Tomas, I've push them to the DWV repository. One question, why do you need to specify the jquery ui classes? I tried DWV on Chrome and Firefox under Windows 7 and Fedora and did not have to do it.
Thanks, I added your code to the dwv.lua on my github. I have some display issues in firefox to solve...
About the extra pixel, I changed it from a message to a javascript warning.
All speed-ups are welcome!
Ok, I've updated the script. About the data length, it seems the pixel data is one byte longer than expected. I get this error from data that I upload to the server but not with the original file. Is it possible that there was an error when generating it?
Ok, thanks Marcel, it is working now. For the moment just for one slice, I need to work on multi slice.
I put the script on my github: https://github.com/ivmartel/dw…/master/resources/dwv.lua. I set it as default viewer as you said and copied the necessary code (css, src and ext folders of DWV) into the web server.
Do you know of any other html5+js viewers? Is this integration what other PACS vendors have these days?
I must have missed something... I have 1.4.17alpha on windows 7 with your file installed in my apache cgi-bin and configured in the dicom.ini as you say.
From the web interface, I do not have a link to open the wadoseriesviewer, I just have the "view (WADO)" that load a gif image. So I'm trying to guess the url by putting a mode=wadoseriesviewer but it seems I get it wrong since the result page is blank (no html code at all). The script is loaded because when I just put calls to HTML they get displayed.
Any idea?
I'm trying to integrate a home made html5+js DICOM viewer (DWV) with the Conquest PACS.
This viewer can take a DICOM file as URL argument as in this link: http://ivmartel.github.com/dwv….org%2F%3F53320924%26.dcm
This works with WADO too as long as the script is hosted with the PACS.
Marcel left an issue on the project page (https://github.com/ivmartel/dwv/issues/15) with examples but I am not clear on what would be the best way to integrate the two. Can't the "view (WADO)" link be replaced on the "mode=imagefinder" page when you browse data on the PACS? I tried playing with the wadoviewer.lua but could not find the link I needed to write to launch it. Is it "dgate.exe?mode=wadoviewer" but with more arguments? Where are these image viewers accessed from in the Conquest web interface?