- License Agreement
iQ-WEB UPLOADER is intended to provide a web service that allows healthcare professionals to transfer medical images, photos and documents to the picture archiving and communication system (PACS). All user interaction with the application is through a web page and supports all internet-enabled devices, e.g. computers, Laptops or other smart devices. The user also can provide additional information with the data such as patient and study information and additional information regarding the case. Data like photos or documents that are not in a PACS-supported format will be converted automatically.
To get an overview of the key features see the iQ-WEB UPLOADER Flyer in the Product Brochures & Flyer section.
For detailed information on system requirements, software installation, administration, maintenance and migration or how to use the application see the Administration Guide. This document can be found in the Manuals section.
In order to get technical help and support, consult the respective user documentation or contact your local reseller or our support team.
Version 1.3.1
- 35.59 MB
Please Note:
To use the iQ-WEB UPLOADER with iQ-WEBX, version 7.2.9 or higher is a mandatory prerequisite.
To get an insight into iQ-WEB UPLOADER's current software version and the previous software versions, the iQ-WEB UPLOADER New Features and Bug Fixes - 003R.pdf document provides a change log limited to the most important new features, bug fixes and removed functionality.
- Compatibility with iQ-WEB 7.2.9 and higher for optimized usability
- Enhanced security with automatic secret key generation
Version 1.3
- 36.48 MB
Please Note:
To use the iQ-WEB UPLOADER with iQ-WEBX, version or higher is a mandatory prerequisite.
To get an insight into iQ-WEB UPLOADER's current software version and the previous software versions, the PD-730-72 iQ-WEB UPLOADER New Features and Bug Fixes PUB INT EN - 002R.pdf document provides a change log limited to the most important new features, bug fixes and removed functionality.
- Option to save uploader’s email address in DICOM data
- Option to add annotations to each uploaded non-DICOM object
Bug fixes
- Changed label “Family name” to “Last name”
- The list of recipients was adjusted to show entries in alphabetical order