Thanks Marcel.
I did try the above like:
Association = local list = {}; local list2={}
ImportConverters =1
ImportConverter0 = list[Data.SeriesInstanceUID]= Data.SeriesInstanceUID; list2[Data.StudyInstanceUID]= Data.StudyInstanceUID
EndAssociation = local[1], 'wt') f:write(table.concat(list, '\n') f:close()
But I get lua error in the console, for the line[1], 'wt') as list2 is nil when I restarted the server after changing dicom.ini.
I thought EndAssociation will only be called after something comes in. May be I am understanding incorrectly?
Please guide on me to properly configure dicom.ini to record data in a single association.
Also, could you please clarify one more thing?
In ImportConverters or ExportConverters, can I call two scripts in one converter?
Currently, I call a lua script like this:
ExportConverters = 1
ExportConverter0 = process series after 10 by F:\myApp\processSeries1.lua "%u"|"%i"
Can I call two lua scripts instead of one in the same converter?
Thank you.