Thanks to the great delphi component INILANG by Fr?d?ric Sigonneau it is very easy to translate K-PACS into your native language.
1. Rename Custom.ini in K-Pacs mainfolder to the current selected language (e.g. English.ini) and create a copy of this file.
2. Rename this copy to Custom.ini
3. Open the new Custom.ini with the windows editor,translate everything you want behind the equal sign and save it.
4. Start K-PACS and you will find it speaking you language
You can do the same with the Custom.ini in the K-Pacs-Server folder. Unfortunately inilang only support ANSI coding, so non ANSI compliant character sets like cyrrilic won't work right now.
And don't forget to send me your translated inifile, I would be happy to include it in the next installer.